Monday 06.05.2024 Intercultural Workshop on future food (Option 1 - Morning)

Detaillierte Beschreibung
Intercultural Workshop on future food (food lab muenster)
Workshop Lead: Prof. Dr. Guido Ritter
May, 6th 2024, 10:00–12:00
About the workshop: Our food systems are failing us. The sustainability of future food systems can be improved by many ways. How can we create large-scale changes in our society that lead to more sustainable food consumption? And how can sensory and consumer research contribute to the sustainability of a food system? As the necessary transformation of our food systems will have an impact on our food culture, this workshop will focus on the possibilities of intercultural approaches.
Attendance is free, but requires registration.
As we have limited capacity of max. 20 attendees, please register before. Meeting point will be published soon after the registration deadline.
Please note that the same workshops will run in the afternoon from 16:00-18:00 again (please use separate event for registration)
Deadline for registration is 29th April 2024.
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