Monday 06.05.2024 Sensory SWOT Analysis (Workshop)

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Sensory SWOT Analysis
Moderator: Dr. Dirk Minkner
May, 6th 2024, 10:00–12:00
For sensory professionals it becomes more and more important to promote their working areas and to position and align their own department forward-looking within their business environment.
The SWOT analysis is a tool for strategic planning, which is generally used to determine the own position and to develop future strategies and goals. The SWOT identifies own strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats in a given context.
In this workshop we want to set up a joint SWOT analysis for sensory in Europe. We want to elaborate our strengths, identify potential weaknesses and to discuss potential risks and future opportunities. The workshop will be aimed as ideal platform to review diverse perceptions and standpoints and to integrate the different perspectives & needs of our community and application areas. We can identify, reflect, and discuss while broadening our own horizons and learning from each other.
The outcome of this general SWOT can help each participant to sharpen and strengthen own ambitions and can be used as base for future discussion in their own companies/departments. Consequently, the outcome will be shared and distributed among all participants shortly after the workshop.
Attendance is free, but requires registration.
As we have limited capacity of max. 20 attendees, please register before. Meeting point will be published soon after the registration deadline.
Deadline for registration is 29th April 2024.
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