Marlies Wallner

Dr. rer. nat. Marlies Wallner
Since 2015 employed at the Institute of Dietetics and Nutrition at the University of Applied Sciences FH JOANNEUM in Graz, Senior Lecturer (FH)
Teaching and research (R&D and basic research; main foci: sensory science, anthropometry, human nutrition)
Summary of Qualifications & Interests
- sensory perception and related development of health orientated products, food preferences
- Public health, Nutrition and behaviour in children and adults (assessment), body composition
- health potential of foods (e.g. antioxidative and anticancerogen)
Projects lead and contributions
“Shift2Health” (Horizon Europe, 2023), “Bewusst Trinken!” (FGÖ, Land Stmk. 2020), SPI3 Sustainable Protein (FFG, 2018-2023), E3S B-Tex Study (Land Stmk. 2018), Sensorik an den landwirtschaftlichen Fachschulen (FGÖ, Land Stmk. 2017), Pränatale Forschung von Adipositas (JRZ, 2016), Health Perception Lab (FFG 2013-2018), BiliHealth Study (2015), Antioxidative Potential of Bilirubin (FWF, 2009)
Memberships & Editorial Boards
- Reviewer Board & Guest-Editor, MDPI Journal Foods
- Reviewer for MDPI Journal Nutrition
- Reviewer for Frontiers in Nutrition
- Reviewer for Nutrition Journal
- Board member of the Sensory Network Austria (SNÖ)
- Member of the European Sensory Science Society(E3S)
- Member of the Austrian Nutrition Society (ÖGE)
- Member of diverse tasting panels